
Level III Formation Course

Children ages 9 - 12

The structure of the Level III atrium is intended to particularly address the 9-12 year old child’s growing desire and capacity to wrestle with the mystery of time and their own role in history. This level of catechesis helps the child to grasp the “big picture” of God at work in the universe, while at the same time honoring the 9-12 year old’s desire and capacity to work with details of the “whole” that grab their attention and to study these in depth.

Key element of Level III Atria include:

  • The Eucharist

The course includes presentations, adult reflections, practice time, material making, and Montessori theory.

Completion of Level II is a prerequisite for other Level III Formation Courses.


formation opportunities

Level III: Catechist Formation for working with children ages 9-12

Planned Formation Leaders
Donna Turner assisted by Laura Accettullo

Donna Turner has been involved in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd since 1994, and has worked with children in Levels I-III. Donna has been a CGSUSA Formation Leader since 2001. She serves the National Association as a member of the Formation Committee, Episcopal Committee, and Level III Materials Manual Team. A Level III catechist for nineteen years, Donna serves in the atrium at St. Philip Episcopal Church in Memphis, TN and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Dyersburg, TN. She and Rebekah Rojcewicz are Co-Directors of the Good Shepherd Center in Memphis. 

Laura Accettullo is Co-Founder, Head of Catechesis, Elementary Program Level II and Level III Catechist, and Sacramental Program Coordinator at John XXIII Montessori Center in Front Royal, VA. A Montessori child herself, she and her husband, Mark, incorporated Montessori principles in the home education of their nine children. Since being introduced to the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program in 2000, Laura has received CGS certification in Levels I, II, III, and Infant-Toddler, and is additionally recognized as a CGS National Formation Leader for Level 1 and II.


There are no upcoming Level III courses at this time.